In the New Zealand Food Service market it is a common misconception that your Food Control Plan requires you to have pest control provided by a professional pest control company. This isn't the case, BUT you do need to demonstrate to the council inspectors that you do have an effective programme to manage pests.
Bug King DIY Pest Control solutions for Food Service providers give you the opportunity to put in place a fully council compliant pest control programme and all at a greatly reduced cost to services provided by a pest control company.
Key features of Bug King's Retail Food solutions include;
- Fully compliant Council and Food Act 2014 documentation.
- Professional quality pest control products.
- Comprehensive installation and monitoring instructions to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- Access to Bug King's D.I.Y. Helpline to answer all your pest control questions.
Unsure which package suits your needs? Click here to go to our handy calculator.