In partnership with Bug King we have developed a discounted DIY pest control solution for Robert Harris that will help you improve the frequency and effectiveness of pest control and at a significantly reduced cost to getting a professional pest control company to visit.
Key features include;
- All the documentation required to comply with council inspections (the same documentation you would get from a professional pest control company)..
- Professional quality traps, baits and monitors (these are the exact same products that Bug King would use if they implemented your pest control solution for you).
- Full installation and service instructions
- Note: the DIY solution is a minimal ongoing investment in your time but you get much more effective pest monitoring.
- Installation time estimated a 30mins.
- Monthly servicing estimated at 5 mins.
- Acess to a dedicated Bug King helpline to answer any installation service and general pest control enquiries.
You can also call the Bug King team on 0800 DIY HELP (349 435) for more information or to talk about a managed solution.
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